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About Us


Goddard Floor Specialists has over 90 years’ experience in the wood flooring industry. Our family history began in Waltham, MA with my uncle Roy Goddard.  My dad Vern learned the trade and I learned from my dad. I carried on the family tradition of installing and refinishing wood floors. I eventually purchased the business in the late 80’s. With much hard work and a knowledgeable dedicated staff, we have become one of the largest wood flooring companies in New England.


Quality and consistency are key to maintaining a great product. I have the same employees 12 to 26 years and do not subcontract. You can be assured that with Goddard Floor Specialists, you know who will be working in your home. Because I do!


My wife ILISA is also involved with the day to day operations of our business. She has over 18 years of experience in the wood flooring business. Her dedication to our business is truly appreciated. Ask our customers!

Keeping up with the newest technology in the wood flooring industry, using only the finest environmentally certified wood and eco-friendly products in your home make us the wood flooring leader.

New technology with “old school” ingenuity.

We perform EVERY aspect of wood floors. From installation, the art of wood bending, custom wood vents, custom stain, dye stain, to refurbishing antique floors. I am one of the few companies that “hot wax”.  Architects and historical societies have us stain and wax historical homes and museums throughout New England.


“Fine wood floors since 1926”

Glen Goddard

Copyright 2020 Goddard Floor Specialist Inc. 

Designed by iVIrtualSolutions

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